
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Trip to Astro 2011

Hi guys! You may have heard, but in case you haven't, Seafield.FM's just visited Astro! I know some of you must be thinking "Astro? Really? Have you guys no where else to go?" Yes, some of their channels play out-dated stuff on repeat and yes, their services often get disrupted during the rain, but there's actually a good reason for that (apparently the frequency they use to broadcast and receive is safer using the current frequency but is very sensitive and susceptible to interference from rain). All in all, the trip has been a very mind-broadening experience for everyone. It was fun and we all got to learn new things.

We got to learn of the many functions of various departments in the place, which are very efficient, I might add. The staff appeared very much professional; you'd think you were in research facility or the headquarters of an international bank. Everything is well-organized there and the whole complex is very clean. We learned how shows are beamed in, screened and filtered, and then beamed back out to you guys, the customers on your TV sets. The equipment the guys there use isn't the latest nor the most advanced (as our guide told us) but they were very high-tech and expensive in our eyes. More importantly, they do their jobs well. Stuff like dishes, servers, etc. also cost a bomb  We learned of Astro's fool-proof back-up plans (which I'm assuming I'm allowed to disclose on this blog, seeing as they have restrictions on may things there) .

Many of the shows on channels work on a system and are based on logic, apparently. Say a new movie's brought in. Whether it gets played on HBO or whatever depends on it's content and it's relevance to the majority of viewers. Shows are brought in and screened months before it's to be aired to be reviewed, cut and censored so that it's of an acceptable standard for the eyes and ears of Malaysians. Apparently, stuff with too much profanity in them don't get played at all after the screening process because they become too short and much of the crucial parts of it, like the storyline would have been compromised. Oh, and I almost forgot! The rights on shows like CSI, The English Premier League, The Simpsons, etc. are bought at the cost of up to 700 million ringgit a piece! Recently, many have been complaining of Astro's service hike but as I've said before, there's a good reason for that: shows just cost more now. Our guide said that the screen rights on several shows run into the billions now.

Oh, and I saved the best for last ;) WE GOT TO MEET SOME OF THE GUYS ON HITZ LIVE AND IN THE FLESH! No joke! Everyone I told was (what color was it? I forgot) with jealousy. That's right, we got to meet JJ, Ean and Jin! Jin was kind enough to invite us all into the Hitz studio (this small-ish soundproof room with all kinds of audio equipment and monitors) and give us an insight into the life of an announcer (apparently, the term "DJ" is now invalid as DJs used to bring their hard-copy discs in to play, instead of using digital media like now). You had to be disciplined, cheery, immune to tiredness. open-minded and above all, humble when you're on the air with an audience that runs into the hundreds of thousands. You also have to have a good voice (FUN FACT: That lady on the KDK Raku-Raku ventilation what's-it advertisment makes up to RM 60,000 a month! I crap you not) not only for announcing but also for advertising, which in turn grants you endorsements from leading brands both locally and internationally. Jin's endorsed by Puma!

But don't get me wrong, life as an announcer isn't all that serious: there was a marker drawing of Rebecca Black, Rick Astley, Nyan Cat and various rage faces all over the notice board. Oh yeah, it was also signed by Jason Derulo. 

And at the end of it all, we all got our one-and-a-half seconds of fame when Jin put us all on air at 12.54 PM. We got to say "BLARGH!!!" After that, there was a short tour of the rest of the "radio section" of the place, where we got to meet the announcers from Lite.FM and several other stations. Finally, it was time to say goodbye and the bus departed for school at around 12.20 PM.

It was great, all in all. I think by now, everyone who went thinks their qualified for announcing or lending their voices for advertising, because it really isn't that hard! Before I end this post, I'd like to thank everyone at Astro for allowing us, rowdy bunch of kids to visit your high-tech lair of awesomeness and I'd also like to thank our guide. Unfortunately, I didn't get his name, but we all here at Seafield.FM extend our utmost gratitude for showing us around and taking the time to answer our questions. Your English's great by the way!

Now, for the pictures! Unfortunately, I over-estimated the capabilities of my cell-phone camera and well... let's just say that they don't look too nice. I'll be using the purdy pictures of the almigty Kimberly with her trusty sidekick, her camera! Alternatively, you can view the entire album HERE

Y U No take good picture!?!

"You know that Bruno Mars poster in the hall? Yeah, don't steal it."

I see what you did thar!!

"Photobombing you in yo sleep! U Mad?!"

Add caption

Everyone knows that a place as cool as Astro has entire wings that tilt, spin and rotate for the entertainment of its employees!

Our awesome guide

Seafield.FM with Jin

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Promise Is A Promise

Hey Guys! So sorry for the extreme delay on updates about whats going on in seafield. Here's a recap :
1)  Heidelberg Youth Choir Visits Seafield.    (June)   See More
2)  Williamstown High School, Melbourne      (June)  See More
3)  Seafield on Astro's Tutor Tv                     (July )  See More
4)  SMK Seafield's Carnival Day                   (July )  See More 
5)  Seafield Goes Football Crazy                   (July )  See More 
6) Goes to Astro                        (July )  ( Coming soon)
7)  Zenny Salihuddin Visits Seafield                (July )  ( Coming soon) Crew. 

Seafield Goes Football Crazy

Well, If you read the post about Astro having their launch in SMK Seafield, this is kinda related to it. Astro generously gave us (rumored) 3000 tickets for the Malaysia vs. Chelsea match on the 21st July. So, almost every student in the school was entitled for a ticket. The best part, everything was absolutely FREE. (other than the bus of course).

Pictures later yeahh... Here's an interview with one of our students.

Gloria Ngu, 4 Amanah

How did you feel when you heard that SMK Seafield was giving away free tickets for the Malaysia Vs. Chelsea Match?
when i first heard about the tickets, i was quite happy because it would be my first time actually going for a real LIVE match. in addition to that, this match would be extra special because a famous football club was goung to be playing against our national team. plus, it's free

Sharleen Ann, 6 Amanah

Are you a fan of football?
not a fanatic at all, initially i am not a fan of football, but since there was free tickets given out in school and i had like 4 free tixs
to waste them and on top of that, I can so i decided to go because i didnt want to waste it. Besides, I can gain some experience being in a football game as this is my first time

Darshini Nair, 4 Amanah

Do you normally watch football?
I like to watch the games but I love to watch the footballers.

San Weng Hang , 4 Gigih

How was the whole event like?
okay so there were 5 buses, left at 5 and then we partied in the bus,traffic jam not that bad, stadium gila banyak orang, started cheering two hours before the game, alot of seafieldians... like a lot. fun experience, memorable, okay the end finished at 11, last bus reached back in school at 1, tomorrow very tired.

Olivia Yeoh, 4 Amanah

Which team did you support? Why?
I support malaysia! go Harimau Malaya! I support them coz I can't bring myself to support Chelsea (Glory glory Man U!)

Idlan Haziq, 5 Amanah

Did you enjoy the match and what was your favorite part of the event?
Yeah i enjoyed the malaysia chelsea match. My fav part is when i see so many familiar faces + i get hang out with my friends.

Well, thats what them seafieldians who went has to say. If you'd like to add anything else, experiences, stories, anything you deem worthy of submitting on this blog, send in your email to

Ozzies Meet Seafield!

Well, almost right after the Germans left, we had visitors hailing in all the way from Melbourne, Australia. They were on a study tour to Malaysia to learn about our language and culture. Some of the librarians and prefects were lucky enough to get to be their "tour guide" for the day. Here are the pics!  

Arrival at our school 

Group Picture with the board of librarians 

Pn. Wong introducing them to our school 

A visit to our mini history corner

Loong Yi and Lee Yen explaining about our school's history. 

The girls and the guys were separated, and the girls were introduced to a game of  'congkak' a traditional Malay game. 

Other Librarians explaining. 

The guys got to play a game of 'sepak takraw'. 

As usual, the school buzzed with excitement to watch our new friends try a game from our homeland. 

Tired, boys? 

Group Photo. 

The librarians who just love their shirts. 

Yes, they joined us for class too! 

Q&A session! so much to ask! 

In class! 

The supporting crew. 

Photos, photos, photos! 

Kaelan, our head prefect. 

Presentation of a token of appreciation from them to us. :) 

They actually wrote and conversed their speech in Bahasa Malaysia! Not bad! 

Time to say goodbye with many smiles. 

They left us some souviniers too!

There is actually a few more pictures of activities and what they'd done. When we have the time, We'll show you! 

Astro's Tutor TV

If you're living in the 21st century in Malaysia, you most likely have Astro in your homes, or at least heard of it. Well, Astro has launched their new educational tutoring program based on our Malaysian education syllabus. Catering specifically to students sitting for their UPSR, PMR and SPM. Fortunately enough, Astro actually chose Seafield students for their promo advertisements as well as the place to cater for their official launching of this event. If you've noticed, those crazy students holding up little signs, jumping, shouting and pointing during the 'Astro Tutor Tv's advertisements are actually our students! Woooot! 

Here's the video uploaded by Astro on youtube. :) Crew. 

Heidelberg Youth Choir : Promised Photos Interviewing them on one of our shows. 

Pn. Chong Ik Poh talking about our school 
Picture with some of the members. 

Members of the choir joins us for assembly. 
Though I doubt they understood much, as they were telling us things in BM. 
Can you spot them in the crowd? 
Oh! There they are! 
They follow the students of Seafield who are hosting them. 
Into their classes. 
Ah! Here's another bunch. 
Walking to class, just like us Seafieldians do every morning. 
Celebrity Treatment? 
In class. 
"Uh, What are they saying??? " 

So many questions to ask them! 

 Goodbye and tears 
 More hugging 
 See, we made real friends. 
 One of our members. ;) 
 Pn. Ung hosted them too! 
 Goodbye guys! We love you! 
Teachers, Teachers. ;)

Here's the link to the initial post. ;)